
Guangzhou Mayor: Asian Games ready to go

時(shí)間:2010-10-14 14:29   來源:SRC-7437

With the excitement building, the Guanzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee and city officials have made it clear.They are ready for the games.

According to Guanzhou Mayor Wan Qingliang, the 2010 Asian Games, will have no problem welcoming people from all across Asia and the world, and is set to build on the international exposure of the Shanghai Expo.

All 70 event sites have been completed and have undergone test matches. The organizing committee also says the event schedule, staffing, security, media services and visitor facilities in the city is ready for the games.

According to Guanzhou Mayor Wan Qingliang, the 2010 Asian Games, will have no
problem welcoming people from all across Asia and the world.




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