Water Pollution Emergencies in China Final EN

時間:2008-10-24 14:48   來源:

  This study was prepared by the Rural Development, Natural Resources and Environment Unit (EASRE) of the East Asia and Pacific Region of the World Bank.

  Environment issues are an integral part of the development challenge in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Region. The Environment Strategy for the World Bank in the East Asia and Pacific Region has provided the conceptual framework for setting priorities, strengthening the policy and institutional frameworks for sustainable development, and addressing key environmental and social development challenges through projects, programs, policy dialogue, non-lending services, and partnerships. This study provides a forum for discussion on good practices and policy issues within the development community and with client countries.

  The background study reports to the policy paper can be accessed at the China water AAA program website http://www.worldbank.org/eapenvironment/ChinaWaterAAA. For more information on and other reports of the AAA Program, please contact Jian XIE, The World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington D.C, 20433, USA, Fax: 202-522-1666, Email: jxie@worldbank.org. This publication is available online at www.worldbank.org/eapenvironment.

Sustainable Development Department
East Asia and Pacific Region
The World Bank
Washington, D.C.
June 2007




嘉祥县| 利津县| 隆子县| 牡丹江市| 突泉县| 敖汉旗| 苍溪县| 定襄县| 喜德县| 东乌| 城固县| 金川县| 安国市| 泾源县| 贵阳市| 宁阳县| 伽师县| 钟祥市| 阳新县| 惠东县| 绥阳县| 白朗县| 六盘水市| 禄丰县| 荔浦县| 张家口市| 民和| 新丰县| 高邑县| 宿州市| 花垣县| 靖远县| 睢宁县| 兴城市| 亚东县| 泗洪县| 普兰店市| 永登县| 福安市| 嘉兴市|